10 Benefits of being part of the BPCIS



10 Benefits of Being Part of the Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore Presbytery

By Pastor David Wong

Originally published in The Carmel Weekly on 9 February 2020, these are the personal reflections of Ps David Wong.

  1. It has restored the friendship and fellowship of our pastors. A good friend of mine from another BP church did not talk to me, and I to him for over 30 years. Now we meet for lunch every month with other BP pastors as part of the Presbytery’s standing committee. We share a meal as we deliberate over matters affecting our churches and beyond.

  2. It has helped us work together to raise the next generation of pastoral leaders. We bring together pastors, elders and ministry leaders every year for a retreat. There older leaders who have grown up together renew their ties. Younger ones cross generation to connect with older ones and also with one another.

  3. As a result, we have been ordaining pastors (and elders) for our churches. Ordaining councils are formed from representatives from different churches. This year, God willing, three men will be ordained from Mount Hermon, Mount Gerizim and Zion Serangoon. More are in the pipeline, ensuring the rise of next generation leaders.

  4. To ensure we do not lose our rich history and heritage, we published a definitive work last year. Titled Heritage and Legacy and launched with 1000 copies, more than 90% have been bought. All who wish to know about how the denomination was born, how it grew, and then fell apart, will find the book an instructive read.

  5. Four years ago we held our first ever combined Good Friday service. Never in the last 30 years had BP churches come together for service and communion. Last year Zion Bishan hosted the event which drew 1,800 worshippers. The YouTube post of the service was viewed over 1,000 times.

  6. At the retreat of 2017 we laid out the agenda for next three years. Using the acronym DBS, we set goals for Developing Leaders (2018), Building Relationships (2019), and Sharing Resources (2020). The last is our focus this year with Dr Bishop Solomon addressing us in July. How timely! As Mount Carmel embarks on the Church Plant, fellow BP churches are rallying around with prayer and practical expressions of support (e.g. interest-free loans).

  7. Recently, our concern has been directed at our children. At our 2018 Presbytery meeting, we addressed the topic, “The Future of Christian Preschool Education in Singapore”. We were alarmed to learn that half of church kindergartens in Singapore had closed down in the past five years. An initiative has been launched to form an alliance of church kindergartens to help one another, and to represent ourselves to the government.

  8. Among the needs discussed is that of our young adults finding life partners, some ending in an unequal yoke. This May our first ever Singles Retreat will be held to provide opportunities for singles from our churches to mingle. The rest is left to the Lord!

  9. In 2017, we filed in an application for BPCIS to be registered as a society. Praise God after 1.5 years, our application was finally approved a year ago. As a legal entity we hope to better represent our churches to the authorities and the wider community of believers in our nation.

  10. Pray for us as the number of our charter member churches stand now as seven: Mount Carmel, Mount Hermon, Zion Bishan, Zion Serangoon, Herald, Shalom and Emmanuel. Another seven churches join us for our activities while they consider becoming members.

Pastor David Wong loves stories and story-telling, especially about how ordinary people doing ordinary things accomplish extraordinary results by God’s grace and for His glory.

Other Reflections

If The Living Room Cafe did not exist...

A Personal Reflection by Ps David Wong

The Living Room Cafe is a ministry of Zion Bishan BP Church that is a space for people in the community to make themselves at home over good food, great company and pleasant ambiance. What if this cafe did not exist?

We wouldn’t be seeing friends and strangers from the community stepping into our church on a regular basis, Monday to Saturday, through the year.

We wouldn’t be offering free meals four times a year, with volunteers from church, and drop-ins from the community.

We wouldn’t have our gates open through the day with a seamless connection with the community outside.

We wouldn’t appear in secular websites as a place to visit.

We wouldn’t be known as a place where good food and beverage complements our offer of spiritual nourishment.

We wouldn’t have a place where members and friends can be meaningfully employed either part-time or full-time.

We wouldn’t be making connection with neighbourhood schools as well as other secular establishments in Bishan, enjoying meals with us.

We wouldn’t be hosting groups of friends from other churches taking advantage of our quality food, service and ambience.

We wouldn’t have a place we can call home for our staff to welcome and meet with people for hospitality and ministry.

Finally, if The Living Room Cafe did not exist, we wouldn't have a ministry that stretched out over weeks, months and years instead of a one-off "hit and run" event.

COVID-19 Postscript as of 12 Apr 2021: The Living Room Café in Zion Bishan B-P Church, working with other F&B outlets, served over 14,000 meals to the Bishan-Shunfu community despite not being able to open during the circuit breaker lockdown. We see this opportunity to serve the Bishan community and the guest stayers in our midst, living up to Zion Bishan BP Church's motto, 'A City on a Hill, a Light to the Nations'.

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